Mike’s Harder Limeade
Part of my recent travels, I was able to acquire many cans of Mike’s Harder malt beverages, including the previously hard to find Limeade, which has been one of my favorite flavors of this brand.
Unlike the Black Cherry Lemonade I blogged about a couple of weeks ago, this flavor is not as sweet, has a slight bitterness and gives this 8% alcoholic drink a lime taste that’s enjoyable. The alcohol is nicely masked by the lime and it gives it a mix that is different enough from the Lemonade versions of this beverage.
Packs A Punch
Very much like the rest of the Mike’s Harder drinks, this Limeade packs a punch and easily start you off with a good buzz. I enjoyed two of these the other night at home [one before and one after my dinner] and both went down great. I didn’t need any other drinks to make me feel good.
I found Mike’s Harder Limeade in both Idaho and Washington at local gas stations for $1.79 and $1.75 a can, respectfully. If you happen to live in these areas, I am secretly jealous that you don’t have far to go to get a few cans of this wonderful beverage. Otherwise, if you plan to travel through Idaho or Washington, make sure you stock up. I’m now good till my next visit to Nevada.